Thursday, September 15, 2016

As Student

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Hello everyone!!This is Ivy Enicuela Briones and I would like you to visit my blog for some information that I want to show all of you that using blogger you can express your feelings if you want to write stories and poems you can go in blog to do your work.You are always welcome in blog if you want to use it.
 As a student we can use a blogger if there are a teacher that give us a task to make a blogger account like me I can use it now because our teacher inform us to edit our work and now I can share my experience using a blogger it is one of the beautiful experience that I have encounter in my life because you are free of what you want to do like now I want to make a story of what i have learned  and experienced of using blogger.I have learn a lot of using blogger like how to create an account and how to create a story and poems and more that is why I can make it through using the blogger because in blogger you create everything if you want ..

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you like the experience. Keep doing what you are interested in and you will succeed.
